Step 1
Description & Qualifications
In this step, you will discover more about what it means to be on the Disciple-Making Team. Click one of the links below to view the process and qualifications.
Step 2
In this step, you can access the training videos for each CORE4 resource! Click the buttons below to access the training videos or the Core4 Resources.
In addition to the basic training video listed above (which is required for becoming a Disciple-Making Team Member), if you would like more equipping as you are discipling someone through the CORE4, click on the following link for a lesson-by-lesson tutorial.
Step 3
In this step, use the links below to fill out your application to become a Certified Disciple-Maker, as well as register anyone whose discipleship process you are overseeing as a Point Leader.
Complete the DISCIPLE-MAKING TEAM MEMBER APPLICATION once you have gone through the training to become a Certified Disciple-Maker
Complete the POINT LEADER - DISCIPLE REGISTRATION FORM for each person you are a Point Leader for the CORE4
Complete the DISCIPLE-MAKING COMPLETION FORM once the person you are overseeing as a Point Leader has completed their discipleship process through the CORE4.